From Initial Client Meeting to Finished Art

Working as an Illustrator

In a little over a week, I’ll be giving a presentation with illustrator Judy Newhouse, based on her illustration work and new book, The Beginning Illustrator’s Guide to Career Success (Tragus Media, 2017).

Judy will show some of her work, followed by an informal discussion between her and I.  She’ll share her career strategies and I’ll share my viewpoint as an art buyer for a global publisher and what makes Judy a “go to” illustrator for assignments.

We’ll also touch on things from the book such as using or making reference material, copyright awareness, communication strategies, sample illustration requests and publisher’s fee structure/invoicing. We’ll end with student and guest questions.

This event is hosted by Montgomery County Community College and is free and open to the public.

When: Monday, April 16, 2018
Time: 2PM
Where: Montgomery County Community College (Central Campus, Fine Arts Center)
340 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania 19422

~Please share this with others interested in the art or business of illustration.~

The Portrait in Red Chalk

Dan Thompson’s red chalk portraits caught my attention due to their painterly nature and dry drawing materials. As someone who doesn’t always have time to break out oils, this technique lends itself to the expressive marks that brush and oil paint yield. Below are some pictures from his red chalk demo I attended at Studio Incamminati earlier this year.

If you’re interested my notes and some gems that Dan shared while executing this drawing (let me know in the comments), I’m happy to share! Dan holds this workshop (and others) in venues across the country. Visit his website for information #art #drawing #teachingartist
